A contraindication for Colonics would be a medical diagnoses for which we would not perform Colon Hydrotherapy. If you have been diagnosed by a medical physician for any illness listed below, or you are concerned about a particular health issue you have, or you have any questions please ask to speak with a therapist. We want to provide a comfortable and successful Colonic experience for you.

  • Adominal Hernia

  • Advanced Pregnancy (2nd and 3rd trimester)

  • Recent Abdominal Surgery (within 3 months)

  • Bleeding Hemorrhoids, Fissures, or Fistulas

  • Aneurysm

  • Cancer of GI (gastro Intestinal) tract

  • Renal Insufficiency/Kidney Failure

  • Cirrhosis of the Liver

  • Seizures, epilepsy, psychoses

  • Severe Cardiac Disease

Indications for Physician Prescription and Supervision

There are many diagnoses where Colonics may help with healing and to relieve symptoms. The following are some such illnesses. However, due to the medications the individual may be taking and possible other complications that only the individual’s physician may know about, we require a note from the individual’s physician. Diagnosis for physician statement include:

  • Severe Anemia – Untreated

  • Colitis

  • Diverticulitis/Diverticulosis

  • Lymph Cancer

  • Recent GI or rectal bleeding (within last 2-3 months)

  • Hyper/Hypothermia

  • Early pregnancy (1st trimester)

  • Crohn’s Disease

The attending physician’s note would state they are aware their patient is pursuing Colonics, they see no reason to suspect Colonics would be inappropriate, and they might state any limitations regarding Colonics.

A prescription or note on the doctor’s letterhead would include the following:

  1. Their signature

  2. A statement that there are no Contraindications for Colonics

  3. The prescribing number of Colonics (optional – if they want to limit the number of sessions)

If your physician would like more information about Colonics before writing this statement or prescription, please call us and tell us the doctor’s name, clinic name and address and the phone number we can call. Rachel Dolan or Ruth Menard will be happy to call the doctor and discuss this with him/her.

You are welcome to request to talk with a therapist or Rachel Dolan or Ruth Menard for more information about our requirements for obtaining a physician’s statement.


Open 7 Days a Week, Call for an Appointment or schedule online NOW!


Mon-Fri 8 am- 8 pm, Sat-Sun 8 am - 6 pm

Disclaimer: It is always a good idea to consult with your doctor first. We only use medical grade equipment. Our 24 hour cancellation policy is in full effect and late cancellations will be subject to 100% payment for services booked. Please check our contraindications page to view a list of conditions that may hinder you from using our services. For a detailed explanation on FDA approved colonoscopy prep click here. Thank You!

Client Confidentiality: Healing Insights, as an employer, requires Colonic Therapists and all employees to sign client confidentiality contracts.